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The School of Heaven and Earth

Reclaim your magical birthright

Predictive, Traditional Astrology

Alchemy, Herbalism, and Natal-Chart Remediation

Ritual Magic and Ceremony

Spiritual and Psychic Developement

welcoming all seekers of ancient wisdom

Spiritual practitioners who feel stuck in spirals of physical and/or emotional pain and want to bring healing and wholeness into your life

Seekers of an integrated approach to magical and spirituality.

Students of astrology who want practical skills to help address issues in the natal chart.

Students of herbal medicine and alchemy and you want to integrate astrology and magic alongside your herbal wisdom.

Spiritual practitioneres who want a daily spiritual practice for cultivating magical power, psychic abilities, and greater spiritual awareness.

Coaches and solopreneurs looking for practical magic and skillsets to supercharge your business and transform your coaching practice.

Complete beginners to spirituality who feel a deep resonance to a tradition that connects you with the earth, sky, and stars, while teaching you concrete magical skills.

What you Get in The School of Heaven and Earth

Monthly herbal ritual containers

Monthly elections for Ritual Magic & Live Meditations

Online community access to hold you in your practices

Live New and Full Moon Rituals

In-Depth Lessons and Integration Practices

Monthly Gift Circles with your Magical Community

Complete curriculum on Astrology, Alchemy, Ritual, Magical Development, and Journey Work

This curriculum is designed to give you a traditional, accessible, practical approach to the traditions of astrological, herbal, and magical lore. We teach them as an integrated system - the way they were originally taught.

You'll gain a robust foundation in everything you've wanted to know and understand into order to be a powerful, authentic wielder of magic connected with the energies of the earth, sky, and stars.

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New and Full Moon Meditations and Journeys

Each month features live new and full moon rituals. These keep you keep connected to astrological movements, andattune you to the natural ebbs and flows of energy in the heavens.

Each month incorporates herbal allies specific to each new lunar cycle to help manage the energy of the cycle in tandem with specific aspects and astrological alignments for that period.

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Monthly Meditation/Q&A Session

Eeach month the community meets to engage in group meditation, followed with a q&a to answer any questions students have about the lessons and material.

The meditation session will give you space to practice in a group, and hold you accountable to your daily spiritual practice.You’ll also be able to have any questions about the material or your experiences with the practices answered.

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Monthly Plant Diet Container

In conjunction with the New and Full Moon ritual plants, you will be led through a diet with the plant we’re working with for that month.

A diet includes ceremony and extended meditation with a plant in order to connect with the plant spirit and learn from it.

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Monthly Elections for Ritual Magic

Elections - finding the proper time for magical ritual - was one of the most important and overlooked elements of astrological magic. Each month, you'll receive a list of auspicious dates to engage in planetary magic, and what kinds of spells will be most efficacious.

This will help you capitalize on proper times for ritual magic for each planet, instead of having to start from square 1 with finding auspicious moments for magic. It will also help you learn the rules of elections.

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Online Community Access

A group of spiritual seekers and practitioners who are just as invested and enthusiastic about magic, spirituality, and astrology as you are.

Will help you make friends and connections with other people who are learning and practicing alongside you.

Features members of GNOSIS and GAIA – Crystal and Merlin’s intermediate students who have a lot of familiarity with this material.

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Investment: $20 per month

Or sign up for 6 months for 100, or a year for 200.

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We are Matthew Merlin and Crystal Woodling

We're a husband-wife due obsessed with astrology, ritual, alchemy, herbal medicine, primitive skills, and magic in all its forms and permutations throughout the world.

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We met over seven years ago (on the way to an ayahuasca ceremony...literally as hippy as it gets) and we immediately hit it off - sharing stories, drawing links between the spiritual disciplines of many spiritual traditions, and arguing about philosophy like we had known each other for years.

The first years of our life together were spent running from ceremony to ceremony, engaging in ritual magic, meditating in parks and wildernesses, and spending nights by waterfalls while performing unexpected clearings of trapped spirits in need of assistance.

Needless to say, it was a really good life.

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Throughout all our forays and spiritual studies, we were always deeply invested in the wisdom traditions of Egypt, Greece, and the magical currents and schools of Europe - we felt a deep kinship with astrology, alchemy, ritual magic, tarot, and other staples of western magic.

But practicing them in a grounded way proved difficult...and simply blending them with the indigenous practices that we were welcomes in to did not lead to a balanced life. Additionally, we could not unseen or continue to turn a blind eye to some of the glaring issues that we saw in a lot of western magical practices.

There's no foundational, daily spiritual practice to make you more powerful dail after day. Nothing to help you see auras, see spirits, astral project, or develop any other magical abilities to aid in creating ACTUALLY successful outcomes in your ritual magic.

There's no connection to the natural world. Instead doing ritual alongside a real fire, by real water, standing directly on the earth as the wind carries your prayers into the four we just "visualize" the four elements.

It's a far cry from the ancient magicians of the Greek Magical Papyrii who used to pray by the nile for their ritual magic. Or the Babylonian star-priests who spent decades staring at the heavens, soaking in the celestial power of starlight. Or the talismanic magicians of the Picatrix who used to seek out places in the landscape sacred to each planet for their ritual.

There's no practical element to the astrology. People practice astrology but then don't follow up with remediation, herbal remedies, ritual magic, or other practical steps to begin changing and transforming the challenging areas in the chart.

There's no foundational, daily spiritual practice to make you more powerful dail after day. Nothing to help you see auras, see spirits, astral project, or develop any other magical abilities to aid in creating ACTUALLY successful outcomes in your ritual magic.

There's no connection to the natural world. Instead doing ritual alongside a real fire, by real water, standing directly on the earth as the wind carries your prayers into the four we just "visualize" the four elements.

It's a far cry from the ancient magicians of the Greek Magical Papyrii who used to pray by the nile for their ritual magic. Or the Babylonian star-priests who spent decades staring at the heavens, soaking in the celestial power of starlight. Or the talismanic magicians of the Picatrix who used to seek out places in the landscape sacred to each planet for their ritual.

There's no practical element to the astrology. People practice astrology but then don't follow up with remediation, herbal remedies, ritual magic, or other practical steps to begin changing and transforming the challenging areas in the chart.

We're sure you've felt similar frustrations with the way that magic is often taught. There's not much of a daily spiritual practice that effectively & tangibly empowers you. Everything is so abstract and disconnected from the natural world. Astrologers may know how to read a natal chart, but they can't pick out the planets in the sky and feel their energy.

Because of this lack of earth-based connection, real manifestation - really changing your world in concrete ways - becomes nigh impossible.

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So we decided to practice magic differently. We studied and dialogued with many indigenous elders from across the world about the importance of the earth and earth-based dialogues.

We studied and practiced yoga, tantra, and daoist alchemy - recognizing indispensable nature of a daily meditation practice to empower our magic and supercharge our ritual work.

We began reintegrating the practical, earth-based sides of western esotericism - herbalism, remediation, practical magical ritual and propitiations of the spirits of the earth and sky on behalf of our clients. We supplemented our chart readings and astrology practice with herbal medicine spiritual disciplines meant to transform our clients lives.

And we did as much of this as possible outside. In direct connection with the spirits of the land, far away from the din and clamor of cilivization that directly inhibits magical growth. We've contacted the fae right by oak trees, summoned the planetary spirits directly under the light of the stars.

And we can say absolutely, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that this approach to magic works. We see spirits and have grounded conversations with them on a regular basis. We make accurate, concrete predictions with classical, predictive astrology and use the medical wisdom of the magical tradition to heal and transform our clients bodies, relationships, and careers.

Our ritual magic gets results. We contact spirits according to the ancient techniques andmethods of the ancients, and have formed strong bonds with them. Our spirit allies have helped us manifest:

A sustainable 6-figure income.

12.5 acres of mature oak forest & healing mineral springs sold to us below the tax assessment

elimination of chronic pain structural misalignmnets in both our bodies

Healing generational trauma and breaking cyclical, ancestral curses, elevating the lives of our extended family as a result

An easeful life full of joyous hours of spiritual practice and active engagement with our local nature spirits and starry allies

A blissful, adventure-filled marriage

A life of potent meaning teaching skills that are absolutely certain will help humanity evolve to their starry purpose and bring Gaia's ecosystems back into balance

A sustainable 6-figure income.

12.5 acres of mature oak forest & healing mineral springs sold to us below the tax assessment

elimination of chronic pain structural misalignmnets in both our bodies

Healing generational trauma and breaking cyclical, ancestral curses, elevating the lives of our extended family as a result

An easeful life full of joyous hours of spiritual practice and active engagement with our local nature spirits and starry allies

A blissful, adventure-filled marriage

A life of potent meaning teaching skills that are absolutely certain will help humanity evolve to their starry purpose and bring Gaia's ecosystems back into balance

In a word, we use astrology, alchemy, and magic the way they were supposed to be used - alongside a daily spiritual practice, empowered by own magical energy, and connected with the natural forces and powers of the earth.

We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if you begin practicing this way....

...if you integrate the earth and a daily spiritual practice alongside the powerful, awe-inspiring wisdom of Astrology, alchemy, and ritual magic to the earthy and starry spirits....'ll see the same transformation in your own life that we have in ours.

Merlin's primary work is the practice on predictive astrology, ritual magic, and magical empowerment practices. He sees clients for astrology readings in the classical, predictive style and supplements the chart readings with practical remediation, herbal remedies, and ritual magic to bring his clients into states of wholeness, abundance, and flourishing. In addition to teaching astrology, he also teaches ritual magic and daoist alchemical practices to connect users of magic to their power. He also also been initiated into the order of scouts at the Tracker school in the Pine Barrens.

Crystal's primary work is herbalism, alchemy, yoga, and earth-based ceremonies with the spirits of the land. She utilizes herbal medicine in tandem with the natal chart to diagnose and treat both emotional and physical issues. Crystal teaches classes on herbalism in the western galenic tradition, as well as poetry and surrealist writing practices, drawing on her background in academia. She has completed many strenuous, traditional initiations into working with nature spirits and the Earth, both in North and South America.

We each engage in hours of spiritual practice, meditation, and ritual magic every day. When not working, we spend as much time as possible outside in the wilds, practicing our primitive skills, tracking, foraging, and connecting with the unseen energies and spirits of the natural world.

As much as possible, we attempt to model the lifestyle of the ancient forest sages of old, living a simple life with one foot in the realm of spirit. We try to live a life of humble integrity so that we can meet our clients and students with compassion and share the wisdom and teachings that the ancients of our lineage want them to receive.

We're Crystal and Merlin. We're about as nerdy and passionate about magic in all its forms as you can get.

We love magic. We love our lineage. We love the Earth. We love the stars. And we love you. Come and join us.

"I was blown away. What Merlin and Crystal offer is totally unique to anything out there and so insightful. This is truly the best way someone can spend their money on a reading to gain necessary astrological insight to aid one’s life goals - by figuring out how to overcome the crunchy and difficult areas -present in your stars"

Tiffany W

"Over the course of Crystal's herbal course, my health has improved in a truly holistic way. I have more joy and vitality in my life. My anemia, once severe enough to require medical intervention, has been resolved (and I have the lab work to prove it)!"

Terrence Hailey
Software Engineer at NetApp

"Merlin’s a rock star. His teachings pulled together multiple esoteric teachings and practices into a coherent whole, with humour, depth, and a heartfelt approach that Merlin embodies. It’s comprehensive without being nitpicky and based from Merlin’s practical and tested experiences in real life. He took the time to answer every student question with patience."

Jill K

"Crystal is an exquisite, magical, laser-like guide. It’s rare to find someone so present, caring, attuned, curious, sensitive, and empathic. She truly has genius multi-dimensional skills to support you through a deep learning process of reclaiming your power."

Jennifer Piercy
CEO at Sacred Sleep Yoga

Merlin is such a wealth of information. My course launch was a total success! We welcomed 30% more students than our previous best launch, and I made 5 figures in a week! — Ashley S, founder at

Ashley S
CEO at
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Reclaim Your Birthright

We are always embedded in a world of energy, life-force, and magic.

It is your birthright to feel this magic, experience the joy and enchantment of a life filled with energy and spirit...

...and use this power to manifest a life of joy, support, and prosperity.

In the School of Heaven and Earth, it is our goal for each breath you take bring you closer to the abundance of the earth and stars.

We will teach you to awaken your magical power; master your natural spiritual skills; and transform your life into an enchanted journey filled with abundance, connection, and flourishing.

Join us and learn to let magic course through your waking and sleeping hours as you harmonize your mind, body, and spirit with the stars above and the earth below.

With each passing moon cycle, you will be more and more attuned to the magical, synchronous flow of power that pulses through every living thing.

You've probably been trying to reclaim your magical birthright for a long time...

But authentic magical teachings and wisdom are increasingly hard to find in this world.

Books feel empty - there's no lineage or community to hold you to the practices--

You feel like you're practicing in a vacuum.

You don't know whether you can trust most teachers online, or be vulnerable enough in online magical groups.

If you're like us, you probably spent a lot of time piecing together practices from various traditions in an attempt to to fulfill the full range of your material, emotional, and spiritual needs and desires...

...but piecemeal practices rarely integrate into one's life. Plus, they feel like an enormous energy drain to keep up with.

You're swimming in circles trying to develop magically and spiritually, unable to make heads or tails of all the traditions and information out there.

You feel like you keep bouncing from spiritual teacher to spiritual teacher, school to school, book to book, without developing a harmonious daily practice or any real mastery in the skills that mean the most to you.

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And even if you find spiritual practices or rituals that resonate with you and you want to practice, you can't find joy in doing them.

They become a chore and another responsibility instead of giving you vitality, nourishment, and magical power.

And even after so much dedicated spiritual practice, you still feel stuck with the same issues, pains, and blockages after years of seeking magical help.

And at the end of the day, even if you can feel the magic, you can't effectively use the magic....all the practices in the world aren't really changing your life as profoundly as you know is possible.

You've found the authentic, powerful, integrated spiritual teachings you've been looking for

What if, at long last, you've found the powerful, spiritual teachings you've been seeking?

Imagine that you had access to an authentic spiritual teachings rooted in an ancient lineage...

And that these teachings gave you a complete spiritual practice, rooted in tradition, that effectively empowered you as a user of magic, a caster of powerful spells, and as a healer of yourself and loved ones...

And that these teachings all came together to give you powerful, useful, life-transforming skills -

skill that include astrology, ritual magic, herbal medicine, alchemy, meditation, magical empowerment, connecting with faeries and star-spirits, and more!

And that these teachings actually worked - you could feel the magic and now use this magic to concretely transform your life.

And finally, that you had a community of like-minded, genuine, open spiritual seekers and enthusiasts who could hold and support you on your journey to magical mastery and manifesting the life of your dreams.

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That's exactly what we're offering to you. But before we share it, allow us to introduce ourselves...

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The Four Pillars of the School of Heaven and Earth (SHE)

Pillar 1 - Astrology

Pillar 2 - Herbalism and Alchemy

Pillar 3 - Ritual Magic

Pillar 4 - Magical Empowerment

Pillar 1 - Astrology

For thousands of years, Astrology served as the foundational framework and worldview for users of magic. Studying astrology initiates you into an enchanted, magic-filled view of the universe and your place within it.

Today, many would-be magicians are disconnected from a proper framework in which to work their magic. They don't understand the structures of the magical universe and so they can't work magic effectively. Knowing astrology solves this prolem forever.

After you learn astrology:

You will understand the natural ebbs, flows, and cycles of energy on earth, and therefore what kinds of events will occur in life and when.

You will discover your destiny and predict your future.

You will have a basis for understanding herbal medicine, stone medicine, and the nature of planetary spirits you can form magical relationships with.

You will properly time your magical rituals to great effect.

You will understand the natural ebbs, flows, and cycles of energy on earth, and therefore what kinds of events will occur in life and when.

You will discover your destiny and predict your future.

You will have a basis for understanding herbal medicine, stone medicine, and the nature of planetary spirits you can form magical relationships with.

You will properly time your magical rituals to great effect.

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Pillar 2 - Herbalism and Alchemy

We live in a world filled with energy, spirit, and magic within all living things. To be a truly embodied, powerful user of magic, you need to know what energetic qualities our plant and stone allies carry so you can use them effectively.

Once you know herbalism and alchemy:

You will transform your health by utilizing the medicinal properties of all the natural allies we have around us. You can take charge of your own health in a magical capacity.

You understand the energetic anatomy of your body and create a foundation for your inner alchemical, magical empowerment practices.

You begin working with plant spirits and gemstone spirits magically for manifestaiton and spellwork

You harness the energetic power of plants and minerals in ritual magic to summon power spirits from the heavens

You will transform your health by utilizing the medicinal properties of all the natural allies we have around us. You can take charge of your own health in a magical capacity.

You understand the energetic anatomy of your body and create a foundation for your inner alchemical, magical empowerment practices.

You begin working with plant spirits and gemstone spirits magically for manifestaiton and spellwork

You harness the energetic power of plants and minerals in ritual magic to summon power spirits from the heavens

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Pillar 3 - Ritual Magic

As a wielder of magic, you don't need to manifest and change the world all on your own. You are surrounded by spiritual beings and allies who would love to help you and support you on your quest to abundance and flourishing. You just need to know how to contact them. Once you can, they have the potential to become some of your greatest friends.

When you can perform ritual magic:

You'll know how to connect with the Gods who populated the material world long ago, and whom you befriended before your current incarnation.

You'll have the means to summon spirits and deities from the planetary spheres above to help you cultivate skills, talents, and virtues, as well as helping you build the life of your dreams.

You will have the skill to connect with nature spirits and fae who can help answer specific requests. You'll befriend the local spirits who are already hanging out around you.

You get the opportunity to begin forming relationships and friendships with spirits, potentially even gaining a familiar spirit who can aid you in everything you need.

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Pillar 4 - Magical Empowerment

So many people seeking real, concrete magical abilities spend years of their life doing magic only to realize that they don't any greater spiritual awareness as when they started. They're not actually growing in power and magical skill. We aim to correct this.

Once you pick up a daily practice of magical empowerment:

These practices will help you ion, and so much more.

You will start your day out right by connecting with your own energy and the energy and life force of all thing around you.

Y ou will begin tangibly feeling your energetic anatomy - your experience of your body will completely change as you feel energy centers, channels, and spheres of magic around you body.

You will know how to conjure up and project your own magical energy for healing, manifestation, and more.

You will begin cultivating and strengthening magical skills and faculties - see spirits, see auras, lucid dream, astral project, harnessing and channeling the power of the elements, and so much more.

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"Merlin, I am absolutely blown away by the incredible amount of knowledge that you hold. I am thankful that you are doing all of the work that you cannot be valued by dollars."

Marrissa M

"I can truly say that Crystal helped change my life for the better. I feel a great deal of trust and affection for her, and would recommend working with her to anyone."

Alisyn Rein

"Matthew is not only solidly grounded in the nuances of ancient astrology, but also brings his philosophic academic training, mystical wisdom from his own studies, profound intuition, as well as kindness....if you’re looking for profound knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive skill in an astrologer, Merlin is a wise investment."

Leyla A

"The overwhelming feeling I have working with Crystal is relief. The unique container Crystal holds has helped me reach this place of spacious grace. Please do not hesitate to sign up with Crystal. Dream Big. Call Crystal. Now."

Janelle Baranco

The SHE Curriculum

7 lessons on astrology, ritual, herbalism, and awakening your magical power

Lesson 1 - The Magic of the Cosmos

  • Origin and nature of the cosmos

  • The power of the stars, planets and plants

  • Introductory spiritual practices for connecting with energy and magic

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Lesson 2 - The Magic of Humanity

  • The role and purpose of humanity in the Cosmos

  • Hermes Trismegistus and the lineage of magic

  • Practices of magical empowerment

Lesson 3 - The planets and their spirits

  • The nature of the seven classical planets

  • The meaning of the seven planets in astrology

  • Practices for connecting with the energy and spirits of the planets

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Lesson 4 - The elements and plant spirits

  • The nature of the four elements - fire, air, water, earth.

  • Plants and planet correspondences

  • Connecting with Plant Spirits

Lesson 5 - Ancient Astrology and chart-reading

  • The zodiac signs, houses, and aspects in astrology

  • The basics of reading a natal chart

  • Trance and magical practices for effective chart-reading

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Lesson 6 - Alchemy and Medicine

  • The doctrine of signatures

  • Gemstone and planet correspondences

  • Medicine-making

Lesson 7 - Ritual and Spirit-Contact

  • Altar Construction

  • Contacting fae and spirits of the land

  • Prayers for the seven planets

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Capstone - Self-initiation

An intensive ritual for opening yourself to the energy of this lineage and awakening to your magical power.

Can a complete beginner join this school?

Absolutely. This school is designed to welcome people at all levels of their magical development and given them practices and teachings to supercharge their path forward.

Are you affiliated with any other magical orders like th eGolden Dawn, O.T.O, etc.?

No. We're an independent school drawing on our own studies, the teachings of our mentors and elders, and our own spiritual practices and experience with ritual.

If you could some up everything you do in a few words, what would it be?

We're celestial druids.

Will everything be recorded?

Yes, everything will be recorded, and all thewritten material can be consumed at your own pace.

I like doing my ritual inside with the A.C on. What's the point of going outside?

It hooks up your own magical energy to the energy of the natural world, giving you so much more power to cast with. It lengthens your life. It makes you happier. Plus, it was always supposed to be done this way.

What is the time committment involved with the lessons?

Each of the seven lessons will take about 45 miuntes to an hour to read thoroughly.

What is the time committmen with the spiritual practices?

Answer Body

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